Before I printed the final piece, I needed to make a few amendments since the last blog post about it, as the sample that I got back in the post wasn't how I wanted it to look. The scale needed changing as it was way too small to been seen when sat down. So this was scaled up by 50%. I also needed to change a few colours as the blue and yellow didn't show very well. I'm definitely glad I ordered a sample piece. I always get samples before I print, I don't think it's worth the risk if it does happen to go wrong, and as I hadn't used this printing company before it was a must!! So here are some photos...
This was the first sample that came back to me, As you can see the colours are a little too light and the scale is pretty small.
And these photos were of the final print. I'm pretty happy with the way it looks. The colours are more vibrant and the scale is much better! You can't really tell the scale from the photographs but trust me on this, it's a massive difference.
I hope you have enjoyed reading about my little journey with this project and hopefully it has inspired you to create something from scratch too. If you want any advice or information about this project, then please get in touch and I will get back to you.
Hopefully I will get some photos of the blind up in the window soon, and when I do I'll post them up on this blog.